We are an independent Thrift Store that stocks new and used household goods, clothing, bric-a-brac, books, and outdoor and sporting goods. Tools and electronics as they become available.
Our store is located at 18A Settlers Way Okaihau. Just up from the centre of town and next to the bowling club. We’re proud to be the 9th business in our little village serving the local and wider community on: Fridays – 9 am-4 pm. Saturday – 9 am-4 pm Sunday – (to be advised).
Donations of Clean, saleable goods are always welcome, so please drop in or contact on our email: okaihauthrift@gmail.com. Come see us today!
New Zealand
We offer delivery of goods for the elderly, the disabled, and customers without transport.
This is in recognition that age, circumstances, and finances can limit a person's lifestyle.
We want to support those in our community as much as we can.