Op Shop FAQ

  • What is the meaning of Op Shop?

    The “op shop” description was invented in Australia in the 1920s by Lady Millie Tallis. She wanted to give the thrift shop a more dignified name, so she coined the term “opportunity shop”, or op shop.

  • Can I add my Op Shop for FREE?

    Op Shop Listings

    Yes, just click on the “Add Op Shop” link and once approved you can add your Op Shop details to our website for FREE.

  • How do I claim my Op Shop Listing?

    claim me

    Check out our step by step guide – How to Claim your Op Shop Listing

  • Can I add my Second Hand Shop?

    Yes you can and its free. We welcome privately owned Second Hand Shops as well on our Op Shop directory.

  • Is an Op Shop a charity?

    Yes by definition they are usually charitable organisations but we’re prepared to give people some latitude on this website for listings because times are tough out there for many.

  • Are Op Shops set up to sell as cheaply as possible?

    A small number are set up with the community focus of, as an example, clothing those in need cheaply. However most are actually set up to make a profit in order to fund the work they do in the community.